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KY School Report Card for South Oldham High School  |  Proficient in Reading: 35%  |  Distinguished in Reading: 16%  |  Proficient in Math: 35%  |  Distinguished in Math: 19%

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As you begin your search for the ideal school to attend after leaving South Oldham High School, so begins the search for how to pay for it.  Scholarships are a wonderful way to help supplement or even cover all the costs for your higher education.  We hope to provide you information that will help your search for scholarship opportunities.

All scholarships are listed on the Class of 2025 Google Classroom.
They are also listed on the "Senior Only Announcements". 

Things To Know Before The Search Begins

  • If you don’t apply, you will never have the chance to earn the scholarship.
  • Deadlines, Deadlines, Deadlines!!!!  They are set for a reason.  Please be sure to meet them.
  • It is important to note that colleges and universities are students’ greatest source of scholarship money.  Be sure to check specific college websites for scholarship applications and deadlines.
  • If recommendation letters are required, be sure to request them from the recommender at least two weeks prior to your deadline.
  • If recommendation letters are NOT required, do not include them.
  • You may find it helpful to create a list of all your activities, awards, honors, volunteer service, etc. prior to beginning scholarship applications.

KY Statewide Scholarships

Click HERE

KHEAA (KY Higher Education 

Work Ready (information about up to 60 credit hours FREE based on qualifying programs at Kentucky community and technical colleges)

Scholarship Search Sites


College Board

Going Merry by Earnest
Kentucky Higher Education Assistance Authority

Work Ready Kentucky Scholarship Program

Common scholarship essay topics/prompts

How will this scholarship help you?

How have you contributed to your community? (or other community service-based question)

Tell us about yourself. (or similar personal statement request)

Tell us about a time you failed and what you learned from it.

What are your academic and/or career goals?

What impact has sports had on your life? (or other athletics-related question)

Why do you deserve this scholarship?

Tell us about a time you had a belief or idea challenged?

How are you unique? (Discuss your background, identity, interest, or talent)

Why do you want to study/pursue _______ ?