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KY School Report Card for South Oldham High School  |  Proficient in Reading: 35%  |  Distinguished in Reading: 16%  |  Proficient in Math: 35%  |  Distinguished in Math: 19%

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Bus Route Information

Access bus route information via e-Link.

Tyler Technologies - Bus Route Information

To access the information on e-Link, you will first need your student’s ID number. You can find your student’s ID number by logging in to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. After you select your student, the ID number will be to the right of the student’s photo.

Once you have the ID number, follow these directions to get your bus route information: 

1.  Log in with student ID number as both the username and password.

eLink Login Screen

2.  Click "Work with Students to access the "Students - Home" page.

eLink Work with Students Screen

3. Choose "View My Students".

eLink View My Students Screen

4. From "My Students," select a student's name.

eLink Select Students Name Screen

5. The "Transportation Information" for that student is displayed.

eLink Student Transportation Information Screen

If there is no Transportation Information listed, you must complete a transportation request form via Campus Parent.